We hear you’re planning a wedding—Congratulations!
You’re making an incredible commitment, and we’re excited to walk with you as you begin to build a life together. Keep scrolling to get started.
“The aim of the person of faith is not to be as comfortable as possible but to live as deeply and thoroughly as possible— to deal with the reality of life, discover truth, create beauty, act out love… Don’t just get along, waiting for some miraculous intervention. Build houses, plant gardens, marry husbands, marry wives, have children… do everything you can to develop that wholeness.
The only place you have to be human is where you are right now. The only opportunity you will ever have to live by faith is in the circumstances you are provided this very day: this house you live in, this family you find yourself in, this job you have been given, the weather conditions that prevail at this moment.”
— Eugene Peterson, Run with the Horses
Start here.
Marriage mentoring with Table Church is pretty simple. We’ve collected some really great tools for you from a variety of sources. We hope you find them to be as full of practical wisdom as we do. Everything is laid out for you one step at a time, so just complete these three steps, and you’re ready to begin.
Better Love.
You’ll each take the Better Love Assessment* to start some great conversations as a couple and with your Mentors.
When you’re done, talk through your Report and Action Plan as a couple, and send copies to your Mentors as well. You’ll discuss these in your first meeting (yes, you’ll dive right in to the good stuff).
*Table Church Members can take the $35 assessment for free. Contact Pastor Megan to get your access code.
First, you should each get a journal or a notebook you can use to keep track of your own thoughts and responses throughout the journey. You’ll need this now and will appreciate having it later, so be sure to grab one right away.
Also, there are a few books we think are so helpful, they’re required reading! If you don’t already have the following titles in a print or digital format, please purchase copies, or locate them at your local library.
You’ll be assigned sections of each book to read for your discussions with your Mentors, but we hope you keep these around and eventually read them cover to cover.
The Road Back to You, by Ian Morgan Cron and Suzanne Stabile
The Peacemaker, by Ken Sande
Sheet Music, by Dr. Kevin Leman
Contact your Mentor Couple and set up a time and place for your first meeting together. These meetings won’t be short. Plan on about 2 hours together each time you meet.
Every meeting with your Mentors is confidential, and very worth your time. Take full advantage of your meetings together!
It’s best to meet for a meal or coffee, but if needed, meeting online is just fine. You’ll meet six times, at any interval that works best for your timeline.