6. Last Meeting
The goal of this meeting is to articulate the mission and core practices of your marriage.
Discussion Guide
First, look back at the statement you wrote in your second meeting:
The purpose of our marriage is to __________________________________.
Is this still true? Would you change or refine it at all? If so, shape it up right now with help from your Mentors.
Take out a fresh sheet of paper and write this statement at the top. This is the mission statement of your marriage
Next, look back at the purpose of each of your meetings:
2. Foundations
Understand biblical marriage and illustrate how we can love our spouse in the way of Jesus.
3. Enneagram
Understand the link between pain and behavior, and how compassion guides us to honor and restore one another in the way of Jesus.
4. Conflict
Understand how to embrace conflict and pursue peace in the way of Jesus.
5. Sex
Understand how to express and enjoy sex in the way of Jesus.
Now, create a statement of intent for each of these goals.
Each goal is central to marriage in the way of Jesus. You can’t have a healthy, holy marriage without them.
Read each goal out loud, then form a “We will__________” statement for each one.
For instance, if you know that there is a link between our pain and our behavior, and compassion can guide you to honor and restore one another, then what will you habitually do to make that a reality in your everyday life?
When you’re done, you’ll have a one page document that defines the mission of your marriage, and articulates the specific practices you will adopt into your everyday life in order to love one another in the way of Jesus.
Your mentor couple will pray over you to close.