
01 Prayer

Note that every practice includes an audio and print version. If you love to listen, follow along that way. If you prefer to read, or read along, open the print version. If you’d like to save the text for later, we’ve provided a PDF that’s ready to download and print. What works best for you? Do that. Let’s go.


Part 1

Outcome: Establish a meaningful rhythm of prayer.

Print Version

  1. What do you want your prayer life to be like? Are you there yet? If not, what’s stopping you?

  2. What is one change you will make today to take your prayer life to the next level? 

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Part 2

Practice Prayer

Print Version / Wallpaper

Work through this practice for several days. When you’re done, message your discipler to let them know.


Print Version

  1. What is the difference between talking to God and talking with God?

  2. How would our everyday lives change if we spent our days in a back and forth conversation with God?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.


Print Version

  1. Name one thing God wanted you to hear through this practice today.

  2. Name at least one thing you will do about it.

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Part 3

Complete the Outcome

What change did you put into practice in Part 1?

What have you learned?

How have you changed?

What were the results?

Have you established a more clearly defined rhythm of prayer?

Discuss the outcome with your discipler. When you both agree that the outcome is complete, you’re ready to move on to the next chapter.
