Practice Prayer

Building a Prayer Habit


A great prayer life rarely comes to us naturally; a flowing prayer habit begins as a prayer experiment. No matter how you’d describe your prayer life right now, I promise, it can get even better. That’s what this practice is for.

One of the simplest ways to deepen our prayer life is to pray as we read the Bible. We’ve provided some scriptures for you as well as a helpful guide to bring some structure to an activity that can otherwise feel confusing or just tough to grasp.

Over the next several days, plan time into your schedule to stop and follow these prompts. See what happens. If it helps, we’ve provided a cheat sheet you can install as the wallpaper on your phone.

Make space​.

Remove external distractions like other people or your phone and your task list, but also ​internal ones—the stuff you think might be in the way, the things that keep you from hearing God’s voice clearly. Perhaps you’ll need to forgive someone or get forgiven. Maybe it’s hard for your mind to settle down, or maybe you just need to tell God straight up that you’re not sure he’s listening. Whatever it is, put it out there. Know and trust that God is in the room with you (even if you don’t feel it yet) and let the Holy Spirit help you to even picture Jesus sitting with you like a friend.

Interact with God’s Word​.

Go over the day’s passage once to read it, a second time to know it, and a third time—more slowly this time—to let it sink in.

Start a conversation​.

You’ll see there are some prompts provided. Complete them in a new way each day. Don’t just fill in the blanks like you’re taking a test. Talk to God as you write. He hears your prayers whether you write them out or not. The action of writing it down is for you, not for him.

Work through this daily practice slowly. Even if you really take your time, this may only take 15 minutes. It’s worth it.

Remember, this is an experiment with God, so it’s ok if it feels a little strange— you’re just trying things out. As you write, sit and listen. When you think you might be hearing God’s voice, respond. Journal through the experience as you go.

Psalm 8  /  1 John 1: 5-10  /  John 17: 20-26  /  Colossians 3:12-17  /  Ephesians 6: 10-18 

God, you’re good because​...

Today this feels heavy. I need to hand it over…

Thank you for​...

I’m asking for​...

Jesus, what do I need to hear from you?…