Part 1

Outcome: Identify a justice calling and take a concrete action step.

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  1. What injustices have you suffered yourself?

  2. What injustices disturb you the most? For whom do you feel the most compassion?

  3. What do you think Jesus showed the most concern for?

  4. What fractured relationships or habits are present in your life that need shalom?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Part 2

Biblical Justice

  1. How do you think our culture defines justice?

  2. How would you define biblical justice?

  3. What does this mean for you as a Jesus follower? How does biblical justice inform the choices you make and how you respond to injustice in the world?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Justice, Mercy, and Love

  1. What did this film stir in you?

  2. How do justice and holiness move together in our everyday lives?

  3. How does your love for Jesus compel you to act in the world? How might he be calling you to press in further?

Message these responses to your discipler before moving on.

Taking a Stand

Listen to this message from Table Church on how to stand for justice, then begin a conversation with your discipler using the questions below.

  1. What stuck with you as you finished the message?

  2. Did this bring up any questions for you?

  3. What does this message spark in you?

Identify a Justice Calling


Amos 5:24, Isaiah 58:3–6, Micah 6:8, and James 1:27.


Ask God to give you his heart for justice.


Perhaps you’ve heard of the “Five Giants of Injustice”: spiritual emptiness, oppression, illiteracy, disease, and poverty.

These giants are the source of essentially every form of injustice, in one way or another. Which one stirs you the most? Why?

Do you have a job or position, skill, relationship, experience, or interest that might make you a natural part of the solution for any of these giants? How?

Does any one particular issue of injustice make you particularly sad, frustrated, or motivated? Do you have a clear means of addressing that issue in your everyday life?


Name one area of injustice you are empowered to move further into today. Choose at least one concrete action step and complete it before moving on.

Message your discipler before moving on.

Part 3

Outcome Completed

Look back to the beginning of this chapter and consider where you are now.

What have you learned?

How have you changed?

What is your justice calling? What was your concrete action step? What was the result?

Discuss this with your discipler, and when you’re done, you’re ready to move on to the next section.
